On 5-6th September 2019 we held the Family Language Policy conference at the Institute of Education, University College London.
This two-day symposium brought together researchers working in the field of Family Language Policy (FLP). This symposium was organised by our UK-based research project, Family Language Policy, 2017-2019, funded by the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council, UK) and headed by Prof Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen (University of Bath), Prof Li Wei (UCL IoE) and Prof Zhu Hua (Birkbeck, University of London).
The symposium highlighted recent research developments in different sociopolitical contexts, different sociocultural communities and regarding different types of linguistic/media practices. It focused on three major research projects, funded by the national research councils: in the UK; in Finland jyu.fi/whatsinapp, and in Norway MultiFam: Family language policy in multilingual transcultural families. During the symposium, we engaged in discussions on local, national and transnational connections of family language policy research.
Our programme can be found here.
Our conference leaflet can be found here.
Prof Xiao Lan Christiansen and Dr Jing Huang gave a talk during Mapping apps and sharing caring: digitally- mediated communication within contemporary transnational families Symposium. More information here: https://static.wixstatic.com/ugd/4f860d_ebe950bb737c453db2f0ab2624898e38.pdf
On June 27-30 2018, Prof Li Wei will travel to Auckland, New Zealand, to give a paper on “Linguistic Innovation and Change: A Translanguaging View” at 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium.
Between 13 and 15 July 2018, Prof Li Wei will present his paper entitled 'When汉å—meets global.is.asian: A Translanguaging view.' at 11th International Conference of the Chinese Sociolinguistics Association in Changchun, China.
On June 1-3 2018, our research team (Prof Xiao Lan Kurdt-Christiansen, Prof Zhu Hua, Dr Kinga Kozminska and Sahra Abdullahi) participated in their panel on Sociolinguistic Profile of Ethnic Communities in the UK at the 5th International Conference Crossroads of Languages and Cultures in Rethymno, Crete.
On May 21-22 2018, Prof Li Wei participated in Conference on Translation, linguistic identity and communication in an ever-changing landscape: Current research in Translation Studies at Sapienza University of Rome, where he will give a talk on “Translanguaging, translation and transgression”.
On March 9th 2018, Prof Li Wei and Prof Zhu Hua organised an event 'Communication in multilingual and multicultural London', during which they reported the findings of their new research conducted at Birkbeck, University of London and UCL Institute of Education. The event was an opportunity to discuss the outcomes of an AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council)-funded research project, Translation and Translanguaging: Investigating Linguistic and Cultural Transformations in Superdiverse Wards in Four UK Cities. They presented a report on their findings, discussed the implications for the city and for the Family Language Policy project.
On February 9th 2018, Dr Kinga Kozminska presented her research on speaking styles among Polish-speaking migrants at the Polish Britain: Multilingualism and Diaspora Community at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. The conference was organised as part of Cambridge’s ‘Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies’ research project under the AHRC Open World Research Initiative.
In December, Prof Xiao Lan Kurdt-Christiansen participated in a seminar in York and BAAL/Routledge workshop on family language policy. Watch her keynote speech below.